Learning Environment

Students learn best when they are in a positive learning environment where they feel respected, nurtured and safe. To meet the needs of all students, the classroom environment needs to support individual and collaborative learning, and be engaging so that  students are self-motivated learners and feel inspired to achieve high standards of learning.  Some techniques I use to create this type of classroom environment are implementing Positive Behavior Intervention Systems (PBIS), cooperative learning opportunities, and flexible seating.

Positive Behavior Intervention System (PBIS)

I use PBIS as an effective behavior system to create a positive learning environment that motivates and rewards students. Students are complimented daily for appropriate behavior.  For example, I may say, “Thank you for raising your hand,” “I appreciate you following directions the first time,” or “Thank you for walking on the Viking line.” In addition, I use Dojo points to reward students for good behavior. It is a visually engaging way for students to earn positive behavior rewards. It is also an easy way for parents to keep track of their child’s behavior at school.

To learn more about my perspective on behavior management please view my Classroom Management Plan.

Cooperative Learning

Cooperative learning benefits all group members. Students experience social and emotional growth as they learn to work together on accomplishing learning goals.  To encourage cooperative learning I organize students into groups. To help groups stay focused I select two co-leaders from each group to make sure everyone stays on track. This also gives students the opportunity to develop important skills such as leadership, responsibility, and working well with others.

Flexible Seating

In order to create an environment promoting self regulation I use flexible seating arrangements. Allowing students to choose their own seating gives them the ability to take ownership of their learning. I tell students if they are sitting by someone who is distracting them from learning they may move to another seat. I also allow them to move to the table instead of their desk if they need more space. When I am using the Smartboard I give them the opportunity to move where they can best focus on the board. I use these seating strategies to ensure that all students are successful.

Elementary Education PreK-6