Instructional Strategies

Having a large repertoire of instructional strategies is important for teaching elementary aged students. It gives teachers the flexibility to tailor instruction to accomplish individual learning goals, and to equip students with the necessary skills to apply knowledge to various contexts. I demonstrate this standard by using direct teaching and modeling, independent practice, and movement and proximity.

Direct Teaching and Modeling

I use direct teaching and modeling to instruct students before guided practice and independent learning. In this video I am teaching  4th grade students how to write a conclusion for their opinion essay. I model how to write the conclusion by using the Smartboard.

Independent Practice

“Good Morning Sunshine” is a developmentally appropriate independent activity I used as an opening exercise for my 4th grade ELA class. Some of the literary components covered are a review, while others are used to challenge high achieving students. This exercise serves as a way to engage students as soon as they enter the classroom.

Movement and Proximity

While I am teaching I circulate around the room to assess students and answer individual questions. I also stand near a student if they are having difficulty focusing and paying attention. This strategy helps students stay on task and ensures he or she is reaching their full potential.

Elementary Education PreK-6